Oopsies & Blueberries

Life took an unexpected turn yesterday morning when I woke up to go to the Anacortes Farmers Market. I had a severe food allergy reaction, passed out on the boat while getting ready, knocked my noggin on the steps on the way down, and called 911 to come check my bloody head gash. Thankfully it didn’t require stitches or a trip to the hospital, just a few days bed rest. Ouch though!

I cancelled both markets for the weekend (rescheduling for next weekend) & my sailor sweetie came to the mainland. Today we were getting restless on the boat, so we spent the day at a u-pick blueberry patch leisurely, intermittently picking berries and napping in the shade.

I was bummed to miss the markets, but taking a whole day to pick my own yearly 50 pounds of berries for the chest freezer with my favorite guy and dog was an unexpected luxury. A day grounding in the blueberry fields has done wonders for my head, belly & outlook!